Xing Chen and Jiang Buting went out for a long time, but they hadn't returned yet. Mu Binghe was a little worried, so he went to the Star Picking Gate to inquire in person. But the female sect master lied that she had never seen the stars. This is the end of Fang's dialect, and Mu Binghe can't say much. He had no choice but to propose that he wanted to visit around the Zhaixing Pavilion. The female sect master naturally had no reason to refuse, so she asked someone to lead Mu Binghe to the most famous Bamboo Sea for a stroll. Afterwards, she ordered to her disciples that anyone who saw Jiang Buting and Xing Chen would be shot to death.

At this time, Xing Chen and Jiang Buting had already fled to the bamboo forest, but they were still chased by the disciples of the Star Picking Sect because of exhaustion and confusion. At this moment, an old man in white called "Six Elders" brought the two of them back to the room for treatment. Jiang Buting noticed that the sixth elder's medical books were no different from his own master's. The Sixth Elder saw Jiang Buting's doubts, and bluntly said that he was in the same line as Doctor Song.

Although he has lived in seclusion in the mountains all year round, the sixth elder knows that the genius doctor Song has been experimenting with living people. Jiang Buting bluntly said that he does not agree with Master's approach, but he can understand him. He is obsessed with medicine and knows nothing about the world, but his nature is not bad. Hearing this, the Sixth Elder couldn't help but sneered, saying that what Jiang Buting was taking was not life-sustaining medicine at all, but poison. Jiang Buting had mixed feelings in his heart, so he could only ask the Sixth Elder to keep this secret for him.

But early the next morning, rumors about Xing Chen and Jiang Buting spread all over the streets. Rumors said that Xing Chen abandoned her fiancé and ran around with a man who was not her husband, which was simply outrageous. Later, someone brought the express again, and the content was still malicious speculation about the stars. Jiang Buying and Yao Guang followed the man and found out that the people from Zhaixingmen were spreading rumors. Although the source of the rumors has been found, they are spread one after another. Once the rumors appear, the city will be full of smoke and rain. People not only talked about Xingchen herself, but also pointed at those heroines like her who came out to show their faces and acted chivalrously. It seems that everything has returned to the original point, and Xingchen can't help but feel a little melancholy.

In order to reverse the current situation, Yaoguang decided to use his expertise to write the stories of Quan Xia one by one. Sure enough, after seeing the story of Quan Xia, people suddenly forgot about the rumors about Xingchen, and instead listened to the new story and condemned Zhaixingmen. All of a sudden, many people from all walks of life gathered together, vowing to clean up the Star Picking Gate. Xingchen and others also rushed over.

Facing Xingchen's questioning, the female sect master did not shy away from it, saying that she just wanted to see how Xingchen, who had obtained her internal strength for nothing, turned the entire Jianghu upside down. As soon as the words fell, the two fell into a fight. The female sect master was already jealous of Xing Chen, and now she was defeated by Xing Chen, she was naturally upset, but she could only scold her. Xingchen ignored her groundless scolding, knelt down and hugged her. Xingchen bluntly said that he thinks she is very powerful, and controls the entire Star Picking Gate by herself. For so many years, the female sect master had never heard these words, and she was suddenly moved, feeling that someone finally understood her suffering. Tears are like the flood that burst the embankment, as if they are telling their own touching and hardships.

The female sect master told Xingchen that she has been concealing the identity of the woman all the time, just to be able to walk in the rivers and lakes. But his secret was discovered by a stranger, who threatened himself to spread her rumors. Here, Jiang Buting found the master and persuaded him to stop in time. But the master still didn't know how to repent, and even stabbed Jiang Buting with the dagger that stored time. At this time, Xingchen arrived in time and pushed away Miracle Doctor Song.

After this incident, Jiang Buting was depressed all day long, always feeling that there was a big stone in his heart. Xingchen coaxed him and persuaded him, which made him smile again. On Jiang Buying's side, however, he encountered a new problem. He accidentally discovered the mystery of those express reports, and guessed that the person who wrote the circle hero story was Yao Guang.


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