Fang Yuke had something very important to tell Lin Lin. He was holding a set of exercises. The post-it notes on it were all marked by Fang Yuke, and the one she found in the library was also made by him. , and she sent him a message before the college entrance examination, and she had an appointment to meet him. He had it on his mobile phone. He solemnly told Lin Lin that he was the god of feathers. He never left, but stayed by his side in a different way. , I'm sorry I only told her now, and I asked her if she would forgive him. Lin Lin smiled slightly. A skateboard almost hit him, and Fang Yuke woke up. It turned out that it was all his dream just now. He woke up and saw that today's matter written on the post-it note on his mobile phone was to confess to Zhou Linlin that on Huanyue Road, his attitude should be sincere, and even the steps should be written down. But he couldn't understand why he would hit him in his dream. He knew about the whole school's freshman social dance from his roommate's mouth, and told him that it was not reliable to make friends anonymously. It would be embarrassing if he met an acquaintance, but he felt that anonymity was very exciting, and all the information was unknown. Persuade Zhang Yuke to seize the opportunity when it comes.

Lin Lin was sitting in the dormitory, Julie came in with the flower in her arms and shouted that today was the freshman ball, and told her specifically that Fang Yuke was here, but Lin Lin was very calm, she just found it strange that she was alone online and in reality. Will it be a lot worse? The Internet is intelligent AI. In real life, it is a 2G black and white screen. She also took the initiative to say that she has a girlfriend. Julie persuaded her netizens that this matter is too unreliable, it is better to go to the freshman dance party with her, entertainment entertainment. Lin Lin felt that it was no old age to still have a dance party. Julie told her that this was the tradition of NTU. Lin Lin wanted to go to the self-study with Wang Jie, but she also went to the dance. According to the schedule of the eldest son's love, graduation and marriage, it was time to cast the net and go to the dance. Most of the contestants are high-quality players, and the possibility of catching a potential marriage partner is very high. Lin Lin suddenly felt that she was a little scary, and Wang Jie explained that she was rational. In short, if she invited her to go with her, Lin Lin acted as if she would accompany them.

Fang Yuke asked Dazui if he had an appointment at the freshman dance party tonight. He also predicted that Dazui and netizens were likely to live in the same room tonight. Dazui was a little shy when he heard it, and quickly denied that it was not like that. people. Fang Yu laughed ridiculously, and Dazui persuaded him to have something to say to Zhou Linlin. He quickly said that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he went to the appointment with roses.

Zhu Li put makeup on Wang Jie and Lin Lin, but Lin Lin felt that there was no change. Zhu Li explained that this was the most avant-garde air nude makeup. Wang Jie asked her why she was different. Lin Lin and Wang Jie said in unison. Really good sisters, very funny, the three of them were about to take a photo, Fang Yuke sent a message to Lin Lin asking what she was doing, and also asked her if she was going to the freshman dance together, Lin Lin felt too embarrassed last time, don't go with him, just left.

Ye Ruting went to Xie Ruixi and asked him to invite her to the freshman dance party. Tonight, she will wait for him in the auditorium and see you there. As a result, Lao Ding and Dazui met each other with a flower, and were shocked to see that Zhou Linlin was also holding a rose, but Julie came out after a while, and it turned out that the flower belonged to her. Wang Jie also downloaded an augmented reality measurement application, which can directly estimate the height and weight of others, and then input the ideal range value to create a target person. The result scanned Xie Ruixi, Lin Lin stopped her and told She has a girlfriend, she is a fellow from her hometown, so she went over and asked if he was not Yushen, but he evaded and left.

At the dance, Lin Lin kept wanting to ask him if he was the Feather God, but Ye Ruting misunderstood him, Fang Yuke stepped forward and said loudly that Zhou Linlin was my dance partner, and apologized to her, sorry, I'm late. Lin Lin thanked him for saving her, but she didn't want to dance today. In fact, Fang Yu had something to tell her, but Lin Lin kept him from saying it.


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