Under the starlight, Ji Xing and Han Ting chatted softly. After so many years of graduation, Ji Xing felt that human beings are so small compared to the vast universe. Han Ting seemed familiar with this sentence. He remembered that Ji Xing and Han Ting's team won the prize in the senior year physics competition. At that time, Ji Xing used this sentence as his acceptance speech. Han Ting couldn't help but repeat Ji Xing's speech on the awards stage. The common topic brought them back to their middle school days. Until now, Han Ting still feels that Ji Xing is the best in his heart. Shining stars.

After completing the grassroots investigation project, Ji Xing returned home first. She had decided to do 3D printing and refused Han Ting's olive branch. On the phone, Ji Xing told Han Ting that Dongyang was a great company, but she still decided to start her own business.

Her boyfriend Shao Yichen came back, which gave Ji Xing a great surprise. The two fell in love since college and are now preparing to buy a new house. Ji Xing spoke highly of Shao Yichen and was full of confidence. He had long regarded him as his In the other half of life, in the evening, Ji Xing called her friends to have a get-together, and then announced her decision to start a business. Her best friends were surprised and thought Ji Xing was going to announce her marriage. Everyone carefully reminded them that starting a business might not be as they imagined. It was simple, but it was Ji Xing's decision. Shao Yichen supported it unconditionally and even gave the down payment he had just saved to Ji Xing as a start-up fund. These actions moved Ji Xing very much.

Her best friends were all envious of Ji Xing for having such a good boyfriend as Shao Yichen. Ji Xing agreed. After thinking about it, she quietly stuffed the bank card back into her boyfriend's pocket. On the day Ji Xing went through the resignation procedures, Han Ting wanted to convince Ji Xing again. Ji Xing was previously engaged in medical software development, but suddenly turned to 3D printing, perhaps without experience and lack of financial and venue support. Ji Xing was very grateful to Han Ting for the job opportunity. But for now she just wants to start a business.

Su Zhizhou successfully asked Ji Xing to start a business together. He borrowed a large warehouse from his father as a place to start a business. He originally thought that his father would give him a generous start-up fund. Unexpectedly, he did not receive any financial support. Ji Xing took the initiative. The four hundred thousand he had worked hard to save was given to Su Zhizhou. Although this hasty office space is simple and crude, it has a large platform. Ji Xing was very satisfied and tidied up non-stop for a day. After returning home, he reported the day's results to his boyfriend Shao Yichen.

Han Ting was also paying close attention to Ji Xing's entrepreneurial progress. He heard that she had found an office space, applied for a business license, and then started looking for well-known business owners for financing. Han Ting was someone who had been there, so he naturally knew how difficult it was to raise money. He made an appointment with Ji Xing. Xing Bing kept running into obstacles, and when she was at the end of her rope, she asked her assistant Tang Song to contact Ji Xing to see if she still had the intention to work in Dongchen.

Ji Xing received a call from Tang Song and thought that Tang Song was encouraging her to join a new company again, so she decisively refused. However, Su Zhizhou reminded Ji Xing that she must not forget Han Ting, a business tycoon who has money and resources. Maybe invest in their projects. At Su Zhizhou's insistence, Ji Xing agreed to take him to meet Han Ting and talk about financing.

When Han Ting heard about Ji Xing's intention, she went straight to the point and said that Dongyang Medical was interested in a 3D printing project. If Ji Xing agreed, she could be the person in charge of the project, so that she could enjoy Dongyang's strong financial resources and sales channels. Support in all aspects. Han Ting's suggestion was very pertinent, but Ji Xing still refused. This time she wanted to start a business and make products that were truly her own.


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