Ji Xing was assigned by the team leader to the hospital to track the operation of the software. During the process, he saw that many patients were impatient because the hospital's smart medical care had malfunctioned. Upon seeing this, Ji Xing took the initiative to detect the smart software system, and soon the fault was eliminated. The hospital It could run normally. Han Ting Company was responsible for the system that just failed. He rushed over quickly and was very grateful to see Ji Xing troubleshooting the problem on his own. Ji Xing smiled and said, this time they were even. The two left the hospital together. Han Ting invited Ji Xing to go back together in the car. Ji Xing was afraid of the messages on the intranet. She refused and refused to be criticized. Han Ting understood Ji Xing's concerns and suggested that she not be hindered by rumors.

Someone told the team leader about Ji Xing's meritorious service in the hospital. They originally wanted to take the opportunity to suppress Ji Xing, but unexpectedly made a wedding dress for someone again. Zeng Di punished the team leader unceremoniously. In order to put pressure on Ji Xing, The team leader called Ji Xing to the office and handed over all the work of the R&D, Marketing and Sales Departments to Ji Xing. Ji She did.

When the team leader heard Ji Xing's question, he hesitated and couldn't explain it. He just said that since he was an elite, he had to bear more responsibilities. Ji Xing knew very well that not long ago, he heard a conversation between the team leader and another person in the bathroom, saying that I kept drawing cakes for Ji Xing just to make her work hard. This time, she saw that the team leader became more aggressive and even more angry. Ji Xing originally went to Zeng Di with the last glimmer of hope. She didn't know that since Zeng Di heard the rumors between Ji Xing and Han Ting, she became extremely disgusted with Ji Xing. Ji Xing originally Xing has the capital to be young and beautiful, and now he can't wait to drive Ji Xing out of the company. Ji Xing told Zeng Di his demands. Seeing Zeng Di's cold look, Ji Xing thought about it and decisively resigned.

When the team leader saw Ji Xing's resignation letter, he immediately told Ji Xing ferociously that Ji Xing still had one month to resign. During this period, he must complete all the work in hand. Fed up with the team leader's face, Ji Xing threw away his job card. Just leave. For this reason, she clearly understood that her salary and bonus for this month were all gone. When Ji Xing packed up his things and walked out of the company, he passed by Han Ting. Although there was no conversation, Han Ting already understood the general idea and asked Tang Song to arrange another interview for Ji Xing.

Although she resigned and stayed at home, Ji Xing was not idle. When her junior brother heard that she was temporarily unemployed, he immediately invited her to participate in his 3D printing project. Ji Xing once wrote a business plan for his junior brother, so he knew about this matter, but he didn't I know whether I can apply my professional knowledge to it, but I have been hesitant.

On this day, Ji Xing received an invitation letter from the "Xintian Fishing Village Survey Project", which is a grassroots project. Ji Xing was having dinner with his best friend at the time. He was still hesitant about whether to go, but his best friend heard about this fishing village and browsed to it. This fishing village has beautiful scenery, so Ji Xing quickly suggested that he take this opportunity to relax.

Han Ting saw the company's project schedule and deliberately arranged his own trip in the fishing village, hoping to have more contact with Ji Xing. On her first day in the fishing village, Ji Xing "accidentally met" Han Ting. Han Ting suggested that she consider another development company, as the salary and benefits were not worse than the original company. The fishing village is a relatively remote mountain village. Many villagers have delayed treatment because it is inconvenient to go to large hospitals. Han Ting investigated the situation in the village and put the company's "Smart Dentist Xiaobai" in the village medical clinic to win. There have been a lot of positive reviews. Ji Xing is the developer and designer of this smart software. She is very happy to see that her work can work.

Ji Xing saw an unfortunate patient among the people he was treating. This patient was very strong, but since he suffered a car accident, one of his legs was amputated and he had no money to order a prosthetic leg, so it was very painful to walk. Han Ting saw Ji Xing's expression and knew that Ji Xing was missing his mother. Ji Xing learned about the experience of this woman who was amputated in a car accident the next day, and was even more touched. She thought about the 3D printing project that her junior brother invited her to do not long ago. It would be great if she could make a cheap prosthesis for this unfortunate person. meaningful thing.

In the evening, Ji Xing couldn't sleep so he walked to the beach alone, thinking about work. At this time, Han Ting also came, and the two met unexpectedly.


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