In the morning, Tu Xiaomeng hurriedly called Lu Linjia home and asked him to help. Lu Linjia thought that Tu Xiaomeng planned to have sex, and couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. In the end, she found out that Tu Xiaomeng invited him to participate in the live broadcast to prove the medical treatment of Xingchen's birth. There was no problem with the equipment at all. It turned out to be because of this. Although he was a little disappointed, Lu Linjia expressed his cooperation.

Han Ting watched Ji Xing's speech at the press conference in the ward. It seemed that his girl had indeed made some progress and was now able to stand alone. Ji Xing brought oranges to Han Ting, peeled them and fed them to him. The two of them had a close relationship, which happened to be seen by Grandpa Han who came to visit. Now Grandpa Han also recognized Ji Xing and suggested that he change his name to "Grandpa", and He personally inscribed "Xing and Ting" on calligraphy for Han Ting and Ji Xing.

This time Grandpa Han came to the ward to visit Han Yuan. The old man was very open-minded and told Han Yuan that everyone was a family. Moreover, Han Ting always cared about the friendship between siblings and never mentioned a single dissatisfaction in front of Grandpa, so Han Yuan Let go of the past.

On the next day, Ji Xing took the initiative to find his eldest sister Han Yuan. The board of directors was about to be held. Ji Xing hoped that Han Yuan would also attend and persuade the board members to support the talent pool plan proposed by Han Ting. In addition, Han Yuan expressed his feelings to Han Ting. Our company is a subsidiary of Dongyang Group. Everyone is prosperous and needs to unite and work together. Han Yuan smiled and agreed, feeling that Ji Xing's mouth was sweeter than Han Ting's.

In the evening, Ji Xing consulted the attending doctor at the hospital about the precautions for taking Han Ting to attend the board meeting tomorrow. In addition to wearing fixed protective gear, he also prepared a wheelchair. After getting everything ready, Ji Xing personally pushed Han Ting downstairs. , a backrest was also prepared in the nanny car position to make Han Ting as comfortable as possible.

Ji Xing also participated in the board of directors. The board of directors has various strengths. Everyone has their own opinions on Han Ting's proposal to establish a talent pool. Most of them are worried that Dongyang's heavy investment in the talent pool will affect the group's internal profits. There are three or four People who have become successful have a neutral attitude. When Ji Xing proposed his plans and plans for building a talent pool, some people even questioned Ji The data proved that there was no problem with Ji Xing's plan. Sister Yuan saw Han Ting standing for a long time and shaking slightly while holding the table with both hands. She immediately voted and stood firmly on Han Ting's side. After a show of hands, everyone agreed with Han Ting's proposal. proposal.

This is the first time that Han Yuan has considered the issue completely from Han Ting's perspective, and has fought against all opinions. After the meeting, the old shareholders asked Han Yuan why he spoke for Han Ting. Grandpa Han said this to Han Yuan outside the ward last time. Those words were very helpful to her, and now she firmly stands on Han Ting's side. She also solemnly reminded her old shareholders that she could not continue to oppose Han Ting, otherwise she would be in danger of early retirement.

In order to help Han Ting recover as soon as possible, Ji Xing carefully cooked pork rib soup every day. Although he was a little tired of drinking it, Han Ting always found a good way. The two of them took the kitchen scale and weighed the quality of the soup in each person's bowl. Who served the soup? Whoever gets the closest to a hundred grams wins. Because of this novel method, a pot of pork ribs soup quickly reaches the bottom.


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