When Xingchen Company heard that Ji Xing was back, everyone was very excited. The big leader's return with full blood would give Xingchen a chance to see the light. These days, Tian Hanhai is almost going to empty out their entire department.

It was Dongyang's first meeting, and Qin Li also attended. After the meeting, Qin Li took the initiative to help Ji Xing with magic tricks, saying that if his magic tricks were successful, he would agree to have a meal with her. This was the first cooperation after returning to China. , Ji Xing happily agreed, and Han Ting also caught a glimpse of Qin Li going to chat with Ji Xing. His girlfriend finally returned home, but she didn't expect that she also brought back a love rival. Han Ting was jealous for the first time.

Han Ting asked his secretary to inquire about the restaurant where Qin Li invited Ji Xing. When he saw Qin Li giving Ji Xing movie tickets, Han Ting finally believed his intuition and left silently. Ji Xing knew that Han Ting was gone, so she refused Qin Li's invitation, explaining that she had just returned to China, the company still had a lot to do, and she didn't want anyone to care about her private life. The two were eating when Ji Xing suddenly heard the girl passing by answer Han Ting's call and thank Han Ting for the flower basket. Ji Xing's expression became complicated, and Qin Li saw all this.

Lu Linjia was kept in the dark by her mother, and she thought her mother's recovery was slow. Tu Xiaomeng often came to visit, and even took 77 out to eat to encourage him to cheer up. Tu Xiaomeng once also suffered a low period due to Internet violence, and now he also I have survived, and the number of fans is still increasing, so I encourage Lu Linjia to treat it with a normal attitude. In the dark period of life, it is also a blessing to meet someone who can talk to you at any time.

Ji Xing returned to the company and saw that Han Ting and Han Ting had used the positioning software together. Han Ting was still online and could see how far away they were. It turned out that Han Ting had not forgotten her these days. Ji Xing was very pleased to think of this. . The software showed that the distance between the two people was more than fifty meters. Ji Xing didn't know when the gap between the two people would be lifted.

Ji Xing's parents came here to see their daughter. Now that the company where their daughter works is so famous, her parents are very happy. They haven't seen Han Ting during the Chinese New Year this year. Ji Xing's parents called Han Ting later and asked Han Ting. Learned they had broken up. After understanding the whole story, Ji Xing's mother said frankly that she understood her daughter's character and would not have followed Han Ting back from Germany if she had not forgiven him.

Lu Linjia had been pretending to be sick. She was really bored, so she secretly ate spicy chips to relieve her boredom. This time, her son happened to find out when she secretly ate spicy chips. The lie could no longer go on, so Lu Linjia had no choice but to end her holiday of pretending to be sick and confess to her son. Happiness creates opportunities. Lu Linjia sent Tu Xiaomeng out to confirm again whether Tu Xiaomeng still refused to agree to be his girlfriend. This time Tu Xiaomeng did not refuse. Tu Xiaomeng finally agreed, and Lu Linjia was as excited as a mouse.

Han Ting sent Ji Xing a WeChat video. In the past, he would send Ji Xing news about the cat Da Huang every once in a while. This time Han Ting asked Ji Xing if he wanted to attend Da Huang’s birthday party. Ji Xing agreed. He hadn’t seen Da Huang, his beloved pet, for a long time. , Ji Xing also misses her very much.

Finally it was Da Huang’s birthday. Han Ting chose to have a picnic on the lawn. He came to the place early and prepared Ji Xing’s favorite strawberry cake. The weather was very good and there were happy people around. Affected by the atmosphere, Ji Xing hugged Chubby Dahuang is in a good mood. Ji Xing was already relieved after hearing Han Ting's apology.


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