During the day, Li Li called Xiao Yixiao and returned all the gifts he had received during this period. Xiao Yixiao asked if he really wanted to be so heartless. Li Li smiled and said since there was no engagement, there was no reason to continue dating. Also, don’t call her again when you’re drunk. It’s best not to disturb each other.

Han Ting's grandfather called and wanted to have dinner together. Han Ting proposed that Ji Xing also attend the family dinner, and his grandfather had no objection. In the afternoon, Han Ting went to pick up Ji Xing from work. He saw that Ji Xing was not in high spirits. After asking, he found out that it was because of the competition with Hanhai. Xingchen Company had been busy for a long time some time ago and finally handed in the graduation product. The judges were very impressed with them. I am very satisfied with the work, but I don’t know why the award was awarded to Hanhai in the end.

Han Ting knew about this matter in advance. The judges asked Han Ting privately that in fact, Hanhai and Xingchen were both subsidiaries of Dongyang Group, but Ji Zhong's reputation and reputation are better than those of Xingchen. At that time, the judges asked Han Ting what he meant, and Han Ting agreed.

Han Ting took Ji Xing to see his grandfather. When he got off the car, he said that Ji Xing was not prepared at all and just put on a new pair of earrings given by Han Ting. Han Yuan was still at home, and when she saw the young and attractive Xing Chen, she didn't like it. Han Yuan had always had a sense of superiority and thought that Xing Chen and their family were not in the same name. Fortunately, Lu Linjia's mother was still there at the time. This lovely lady had been protecting Ji Xing and did not give Han Yuan time to bully Han Ting.

During the meal, Grandpa Han specifically asked Ji Xing what she thought of Hanhai, and also asked her if she was sure she could surpass Hanhai, or how long it would take to surpass Hanhai. This question was very sharp. Ji Xing thought about it quickly for a minute. She remembered that Han Ting once told her not to care about the vast sea, and not to be eager for quick success. As long as you take root firmly, you can create your own world. With this reminder, Ji Xing became much clearer. She calmly answered that currently there is no way for Xingchen to surpass the vast sea, and she has no such idea at present. She is just cultivating herself deeply. They were studying the intervertebral running-in period before, but now they have decided on the research direction. Focus on the study of bones. Ji Xing's reply satisfied Han Ting, and Grandpa stopped talking.

After the meal, Grandpa Han invited Ji Xing to appreciate the Chinese characters. He deliberately said that Han Ting was named by him and how deep the mystery was in it. He also asked Ji Xing's parents what the name meant when they named her. Ji Xing smiled innocently, not as profound as Grandpa Han. The reason why she was called Ji Xing was because her parents thought she had big eyes like stars when she was born, so they gave her such a name. Grandpa Han reminded her of this. , the family backgrounds of the two people are very different, and they cannot get along overnight. Ji Xing naturally knew it, but she was still neither humble nor arrogant. She was not clinging to Han Ting, let alone Han Ting who took the initiative to pursue her.

Han Yuan first discovered that Han Ting had invested in Hanhai in the early stage, and the amount was huge. After some investigation, she found that Hanhai was the company Han Ting invested in. She told Chang He and Zeng Di about this. The three of them each had their own agenda. Unanimous, and now tacitly choosing to work together, they chose to start with the internal structure of Han Ting.

Zeng Di deliberately told Ji Xing about Han Ting's investment in Hanhai, and also claimed that Han Ting liked Ji Xing because she was simple and easy to deceive. Ji Xing was caught off guard by the news and felt that Han Ting had deceived her. In the evening, Ji Xing tentatively asked Han Ting, what if one day Hanhai develops rapidly and wants to annex Xingchen? Han Ting saw that she was in a bad state today and immediately explained that Hanhai and Xingchen each had their own strengths. If one day they really wanted to be integrated, it would be because of market demand.

When Ji Xing asked Han Ting about his interpretation of love, Han Ting first mentioned "suitability". He felt that suitability was more important than love, because the harmony of three views makes life and work promote each other and makes love grounded. Ji Xing couldn't agree with this answer. She felt that Han Ting was very philistine and so calm that it was scary.


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