Ji Xing inadvertently overheard the conversation between the department head and his boss in the bathroom. During the day, the team leader specifically proposed to give Ji Xing a promotion and a salary increase. Who knew it was just a cover-up? The department head always plagiarized Ji Xing's achievements. He was not only shameless, but also He deceived Ji Xing and even blocked her way to promotion. When Ji Xing heard this, his heart suddenly went cold.

Coming out of the bathroom, Ji Xing encountered a scumbag, Zhu Lei from the company. The two were not in the same department. This time Zhu Lei pretended to invite Ji Xing to work in his sales department. After being rejected, he took advantage of Ji Xing's departure. In the meantime, Zhu Lei deliberately slapped Ji Xing's butt. Ji Xing was very angry at such a frivolous and unreasonable behavior and immediately denounced him for sexual harassment. However, Zhu Lei not only did not apologize, but deliberately loudly said in front of everyone that Ji Xing was wearing revealing clothes and had been seducing him just now.

Ji Xing was slandered in public. She was so angry that her eyes were red. Han Ting and Tang Song were about to go out to meet clients. When they passed by, Ji Xing was so angry that she was about to cry. Han Ting immediately asked Tang Song to stay here. , he goes to meet clients alone. Someone on the side reminded Ji Xing that there were many customers at the celebration banquet. It was better to consider the impact and minimize the big issue. However, Zhu Lei insisted on refusing to apologize, which Ji Xing could not understand, so she chose to call the police.

The police came and retrieved the on-site cameras. They could not clearly see the movements of Zhu Lei's hands when he approached Ji Xing. Without evidence, he could not prove the other party's sexual harassment. The matter was about to be settled. Tang and Song provided the police with robot monitoring of on-site activities. , as expected, everything that happened at that time was clearly seen from above. Fortunately, Tang and Song Dynasties provided evidence in time. Zhu Lei could not admit it. Ji Xing proved his innocence. After Xiao Yixiao got the news, he immediately came forward to comfort Ji Xing and even asked someone to drive Ji Xing home.

In the evening, Ji Xing told her boyfriend what happened. Her boyfriend was very worried about Ji Xing's situation. Ji Xing also knew this. She really didn't want to go to work, but she still had to pay off the mortgage, so she had no choice but to rush forward. . When she went to work the next day, everyone looked at her with sharp eyes. A caring colleague whispered to Ji Xing that Zhu Lei was fired last night because it was Tang Song who took action, and many colleagues suspected Ji Xing. He had a relationship with his airborne boss, and someone said a lot of unpleasant things about Ji Xing on the intranet.

He was extremely depressed. Ji Xing's department head had a close relationship with Zhu Lei. He usually worked hard to get a lot of benefits for J. Now that his partner was fired, he was naturally not happy. He deliberately put pressure on Ji Xing, hoping that Ji Xing would know. Retreat from difficulty. On that day, Ji Xing was assigned a lot of work by his team leader. He worked overtime until very late at night. The employees in the department complained and blamed all of this on Ji Xing. Ji Xing endured the pressure and did most of the finishing work. He was busy until the early morning. Finally done, she dragged her tired steps downstairs.

The elevator door slowly opened. Ji Xing raised his head and was about to enter when he suddenly met a familiar face. It turned out that Han Ting had just gotten off work and was riding in an elevator at the same time. Ji Xing was exhausted both physically and mentally. Thinking of what happened last night, Ji Xing She thanked Han Ting again. In fact, she had seen the robot at live events without a camera. Thanks to Han Ting's method, Zhu Lei immediately admitted it.

It was raining outside and Ji Xing's boyfriend didn't come to pick her up. Han Ting took Ji Xing home in his own car. Seeing her confused face, Han Ting asked Ji Xing when she changed her phone number and learned that she changed it just after she entered college. , Han Ting finally understood why he had not received a reply after sending so many text messages.


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