Su Zhizhou was unhappy to begin with and needed someone to express his concerns to. Now when he met a stranger who was the same age as him, he told him his concerns without any worries. Su Zhizhou told Lu Linjia his affection for Li Li unreservedly, saying that such a girl was unattainable. Even if he became a nouveau riche, Li Li would not be able to take him seriously.

Lu Linjia had a very good impression of Su Zhizhou. The chat was so speculative, and he readily agreed to help Su Zhizhou rebuild his image and win more favor. During the chat, Lu Linjia saw the badge Su Zhizhou was wearing and knew that he worked at Xingchen, and even more Feeling fate, he took Su Zhizhou directly to his home and personally built it for Su Zhizhou.

The next day, Su Zhizhou appeared gracefully in front of everyone. Everyone's eyes were straightened. When they saw Li Li, Su Zhizhou tried to cheer himself up. Unexpectedly, he only got a comment of "uncanny craftsmanship" and was hit again. Su Zhizhou didn't think about it. It’s about creating a new image.

Ji Xing went to Han Ting's office to report on the situation as usual. Now everything in the company is proceeding according to the plan. Han Ting is also learning more about the latest information and industry experience. Han Ting is dissatisfied every time Ji Xing meets with him. When he was just reporting on his work, he specifically reminded Ji Xing if he had forgotten anything recently. Ji Xing didn't understand what Han Ting meant. After reporting on his work, he specifically reminded Ji Xing to report Dahuang's situation to him regularly.

Han Ting heard that Ji Xing was going abroad to learn the most advanced printing knowledge soon, and he also changed his schedule to keep pace with Ji Xing. On the plane, Ji Xing was very surprised to see Han Ting. Han Ting reviewed the names of the companies she was going to inspect one by one, and crossed out the companies that were gradually being looked down upon and backward to avoid wasting time. Han Ting is very helpful to have such a teacher by his side.

On the streets of Germany, Ji Xing and Han Ting took a casual walk together, feeding pigeons that were happy and fearless of people. There were happy people everywhere on the streets, and there were also elderly couples holding hands and taking photos. Infected by them, Ji Xing Xing also took many photos of Han Ting. When it was time to return to China, Ji Xing took the initiative to mention to Han Ting that he really wanted to visit Dongyang's base. Han Ting readily agreed and personally served as Ji Xing's tour guide. At Dongyang Base, Ji Xing always felt friendly. Here Many tour guide robots are named "Xiaohuang", and they can determine which country the visitors are from based on their appearance, and then activate which language. They are very user-friendly and intelligent.

Han Ting explained the history of the development of Dongyang Enterprises. Every time a product fails in research and development, it will be placed in a glass display cabinet to remind employees to learn from experience and make continuous progress. There is a reason for a successful company. Every detail is almost perfect. Ji Xing feels that coming to Germany this time is really an eye-opener.

After visiting the company, Han Ting took Ji Xing to the basketball court to play basketball. They had close contact with Han Ting, and Ji Xing was moved. In fact, Han Ting's face is quite delicate, with European-style edges and corners but Chinese-style gentleness. . During the meal, Han Ting took her to the most famous local restaurant in Germany. Ji Xing drank pure white beer and dark beer for the first time, and it was so refreshing.


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