The foreigner Feng was sincere to Zhang Qiling, and gave Zhang Qiling's horse and rabbit some food, hoping that Zhang Qiling would lead them the way. The weather was normal at first, but halfway through the journey, a snowstorm suddenly occurred. The foreigner Feng wanted to go down the mountain, but was worried about going up the mountain. They became more tired and colder, but Zhang Qiling disagreed. He pointed in the opposite direction and told the foreigner Feng that if he returned, he would encounter a snowstorm. After many years, someone would find their bodies under the snow.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the Denaxi people are walking hard. They regret that they listened to Zhang Qiling's advice. Maybe they will never go back to their hometown in the future. However, they can only bite the bullet and go up, but the Denaxi people Unexpectedly, suddenly a ray of light shone above their heads, and then the surrounding temperature began to rise. The blizzard was gone, and everyone was bathed in warmth. This time, it was Zhang Qiling who saved the Denaxi people.

Wu Xie saw many stories about Zhang Qiling in the rock formations. He felt that it was necessary to return to the practice ground again, where he could see more clues about Zhang Qiling's life experience. Sure enough, as soon as Wu Xie stepped into the practice ground, someone brought Yu The scrolls sent by Teacher Da, and when Teacher Yu Da was cleaning the practice ground, he gave the remaining scrolls to Wu Xie.

In these scrolls, Wu Xie discovered that Zhang Qiling knew some secrets of the Zhang family during the heavy snowfall. He met Dong Can in the snow mountain. The man was balled up and embedded in the rock wall. It seemed that Dong Can knew more. Zhang Qiling decided to go to the place where Dong Can had stayed. Maybe he could find some clues. He also went to the training ground.

Zhang Qiling saw a painting in the room where Dong Can lived. There were mountain peaks and lakes in the painting. The lake water was very quiet and the surrounding environment was beautiful. Zhang Qiling wanted to enter the snow-capped mountains and lakes that Dong Can had seen before, and paid a lot of money to find them. Got many guides. People around him advised him not to take risks, but Zhang Qiling had made up his mind and was willing to spend any amount of money to see it.

Wu Xie asked two guides to find him. The two guides took the money, but they only took Zhang Qiling half way to the mountainside. The two guides refused to go any further. They were timid. It is said that there are ghosts in the mountains, not only the snowstorm, but also the sudden drop in temperature, which is equivalent to no man's land.

The two guides were strangers to each other and had their own secrets. Zhang Qiling saw that one of them had a dagger in his waist, so he threw away his dagger. This would reduce some hidden dangers. They also encountered some frozen Denaxi people on the way. When Zhang Qiling turned over their belongings, he found that the portraits on the certificates were those of the Denaxi people he had rescued not long ago. Among these officers, Zhang Qiling saw some diaries, which seemed to record stories about the Night King.

The road ahead was getting more and more dangerous. Zhang Qiling gave the guide a bag of gold so that they didn't have to continue leading the way. The road ahead was extremely dangerous and he could go alone. Zhang Qiling came to the place in the portrait and found a majestic temple with strong incense and many tributes, but there was no one there. Zhang Qiling carefully searched each room, and he saw the words on the wall, which seemed to be about the Night King.


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