Banhua asked her grandmother why she wanted to conceal her condition, and the princess said that if others knew that she was sick, she would try to kill her. For Doctor Zhang, who was cowardly by nature, the princess knew that he might be coerced by others, so she dared to poison him. But for Cheng Amber, the princess couldn't see through, she asked Ban Hua to beware of flaws. Ban Hua was asking Mother Chang who had instigated the poisoning. Softly found Doctor Zhang's address, but Ban-Hua didn't ask any more, and hurriedly and softly ran to stop Doctor Zhang. They met Du Jiu and Rong Xia, and they immediately decided that they would enter through the front door, and they were blocked at the back door. Later, there were people in black in the yard and the back door chasing Doctor Zhang, softly dealing with the people in the yard, and let Ban Huan help Rong Xia.

Du Jiu here dragged a group of people in black, Rong Xia took Doctor Zhang away. Rong Xia took the opportunity to ask Doctor Zhang why the second prince wanted to kill the princess. Before Doctor Zhang could tell the reason, he was shot to death by the man in black. The man in black daringly pulled on his mask. It was Xie Chongjin who had just met Rong Xiao. He reminded Rong Xiao to consider what was written in the last letter. No one in the entire great cause dared to talk about the Rong family, only the second prince Jiang Luo could help Rong Xia find out the truth. After saying these words, Xie Chongjin heard the movement and left before Banhua rushed over. Ban Hua asked who killed Doctor Zhang, and Rong Xia shook his head and pretended not to know.

Before his death, Doctor Zhang spit out a two-character word, letting Banhua believe that it was Jiang Luo who instigated someone to poison his grandmother, and was so angry that he would go to Jiang Luo to settle the account, but was stopped by Rong Xiao. Ban Hua went home to discuss with his family, Yin suggested to prepare gifts to thank Rong Xia. Ban Hua came to Rong Mansion under the pretext of feeding the cat, but Rong Xia seemed to be unaware of anything no matter what. The Yan family sent someone to propose marriage but was rejected by the Yin family. On the way back to the house, Ban Hua asked Rong Xia a question. Rong Xia was like a dumb boy, unable to speak, so angry that Ban Hua wanted to go back and marry Yan Zhen.

Ban Heng reminded that Yan Zhen was the No. 1 Mabao in the great cause. Ban Hua couldn't help thinking of his married life with him. Banhua rejected the matchmaker's proposal and threw down the things the matchmaker handed over in public. Rong Xia took the memorial and compared Yan Hui's handwriting, and found that the handwriting was exactly the same. When the princess and the prince returned to Shifu, Ban Hua also came to join in the fun and saw the so-called Ma Bao Yanzhen. The prince deliberately dismissed Ban Hua and wanted to talk to Rong Xia about marrying his wife, but before he could say Shi Feixian's name, Ban Hua came over.

The crown prince was forced by the crown prince, and had to turn around to try to get Shi Feixian and Rong Xia a red thread. When Banhua heard it, he asked the person in question straightforwardly. Shi Feixian was concerned about Rong Xia, but Rong Xian was concerned about the court, and he had no idea of ​​starting a family. Xie Wanyu promised to help Ban Heng make snacks in exchange for the manuscript of the headdress on Ban Hua's head. Yan Zhen confessed to Ban Hua in public, and Ban Hua once again said that he did not like him. Seeing that he was still entangled, Rong Xia came forward to help her, and Shi Feixian also helped to speak, Yan Zhen felt impolite. Afterwards, Banhua said to Yan Zhen that liking someone is not as simple as marrying her home.

Rong Xia declined Shi Feixian's invitation and got in the same carriage with Ban Hua. Shi Feixian later learned that only Rong Xia and Ban Hua were on the carriage, and couldn't help being jealous. Both Rong Xia and Ban Hua were bothered by their marriages. Ban Heng proposed a fake marriage proposal. Both of them felt uncomfortable. After all, it was related to Ban Hua's reputation. Ban Heng also proposed a false engagement, thinking that the emperor might give them another date to get married, and the two blurted out the word "no" at the same time.


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